When I putter around my home or garden my mind tends to wander in its own way.
A while back that wandering led to a more defined thought. Worry is useless. Prayer has almost incomprehensible value. How often do we hear something along the lines of, "well, all we can do is pray about it"? All we can do? I am inclined to think that while we should do whatever practical things we can to work on a situation, nothing we as mortals can do is worth more than prayer. As the thoughts circled around in my head, the conclusion I came to was that anytime I catch myself saying or thinking, "I worry about" something, I need to substitute the world "pray". I do not worry about things, I pray about them!
How much more empowering is the idea of praying about something than to worry about it?
So, that is my little bit of sharing for today. When you find yourself tempted to worry, pray instead! I find I am a much calmer person when I take the attitude of prayer rather than worry.
Wonderful post!